Wellness Brochure (1 x FREE* SAMPLE)


Wellness Care Brochure Explains the Six Reasons for Maintenance Care

1 x Sample Brochure

(*the price you pay for samples is generated in to a discount code to use on future orders)

"Our patient retention has improved."

Whether you call it maintenance care, supportive care or wellness care, explaining the value of some type of ongoing care is how you build a cash practice of nonsymptomatic patients. And how do you do that? Use pictures!

We’ve chosen six compelling reasons why patients should opt for some type of ongoing nonsymptomatic wellness care in your practice. This eight-page brochure features large, emotion-packed photographs and brief text to make your case.

Place it in your brochure rack for interested patients. Present it to patients at your progress report to introduce the concept of wellness care. Or enclose it with a cover letter and mail it to patients when they’re showing improvement.

Implementing the Wellness Care Brochure

Before implementing any of these suggestions, be sure to either imprint the back side of the brochure with a high quality rubber stamp or laser print your practice information onto clear adhesive labels!

Idea #1

Present a copy of this brochure at your first progress examination, usually around the 12th-15th visit. By then, patients are more available for a discussion about wellness care.

Idea #2

Some offices will send this brochure with a cover letter so as to anticipate the upcoming progress examination. Here's some suggested text to get you started:

Dear (Patient),

Will you stay well after you get well? We hope so.

There's a new model of health care sweeping our nation. You may have heard about it. It's called wellness.

You're probably already doing things that are considered wellness activities. Brushing your teeth and flossing regularly? Wellness. Drinking adequate amounts of water? Wellness. Thinking positive thoughts and attending to spiritual matters? Wellness again.

The list goes on and on. Each is a way we can enhance and optimize our health and be our best. And each produces the best results when we have a nervous system that's in tip-top shape.

That's why chiropractic care, even when there aren't obvious aches or pains, is the foundation of today's wellness care. I've included some information that explains it better than I can.

When you invest in yourself with regular chiropractic care, you're better equipped to be the understanding parent, the loving spouse or the valued employee that others count on you to be.

Continue your chiropractic care. You're worth it!


Idea #3

If you've missed the opportunity to present this concept to patients while they are still under active care, use it reactivate interested patients by enclosing it with a cover letter like this:

Dear (Inactive Patient)

It was a delight to help you when you under active care. But now everyone is talking about a new kind of health care: wellness.

More and more of the patients we're seeing are reporting participating in a variety of activities that fall in the category of wellness. Everything from drinking more water and getting more exercise to spending more quiet time and attending to spiritual matters.

Many are surprised to learn that chiropractic care is the underpinning of virtually any true wellness effort. Without an optimally functioning nervous system (our primary focus!) you can't fully benefit from other healthy habits. Find out how we make it affordable to help you stay well after you get well.

If you're taking steps to be the best-you-that-you-can-be, congratulations. Be sure to include chiropractic care as part of your routine. I've enclosed some information that explains why.

Warmest regards,

Idea #4

At the very least, place it in your brochure rack so individuals interested in wellness can take and read!
