All 4 DVD Titles

£185.00 £100.00

4-in-1 Chiropractic Patient Education DVD
Includes Getting Started, Making Choices, Staying Well and Getting Results

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Chiropractic DVD Includes All Four Educational Videos on a Single DVD

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Let This 4 in 1 DVD Do the Heavy Lifting!

If you’re still giving the same explanations over and over, it’s time to harness the power of these chiropractic videos. This 4-in-1 DVD is our most popular solution, featuring all of our chiropractic patient education videos on a single DVD.

DVD Chapter 1: First Visit Getting Started Video

Show Getting Started after completing their paperwork, but before meeting you at the consultation. This short, 4½-minute video puts new patients at ease, reduces their apprehension and preframes your consultation. Enjoy better rapport as are reassured by the hopeful comments from more than 20 actual chiropractic patients sharing their first visit experiences. Watch the orientation DVD.

DVD Chapter 2: Pre-Report Making Choices Video

With the consultation and exam behind them, it’s time for their report of findings. Show the second video on the DVD entitled Making Choices. In this second video, they learn the supremacy of the nervous system, vertebral subluxation, the three causes of subluxation, spinal decay and the importance of following your recommendations. Watch the report visit DVD.

DVD Chapter 3: Staying Well Progress Exam Video

The crowning touch in this three-part patient education curriculum is the third video shown on the progress examination report visit. Now that they’re showing improvement, Staying Well encourages referrals, urges parents to get their children checked for subluxations and explains the value of periodic, ongoing checkups. Watch Staying Well.

Convenient. Timesaving. Flexible.

The fourth "bonus" video on the DVD is called Getting Results. Our "combo" video is a hybrid, combining scenes from the first two videos for practices that examine, report and adjust all on the first visit.

Chiropractors (and their patients!) rave about these videos—extolled for their brevity and simplicity. As the price of DVD players plummet, it’s time to upgrade your education protocol with our 4-in-1 DVD. It just stays in your player. No need to handle it or rewind it.
